Some K’noodles are held in stock (pictures available on demand), but we are more than happy to make to a colour theme.  
Below you'll find pictures of some of the K'noodles we've made to act as inspiration and mostly the photos side by side are the same k’noodle folded differently, to demonstrate the versatility.


  • Adult k'noodle       £85 

  • Baby k'noodle        £45

  • Children's k'noodle £55

  • Baby Blanket         £150

Discounts of up to £10 if you send us your old Cashmere that the moths have had a heyday with, particularly cable-knit and great colours! and 10% discount for orders of 2+

Mending and fixing
If you have purchased a k'noodle that is now moth-eaten or damaged we are happy for you to return it to us to be darned or patched up and sent back to you, you just need to pay for postage and this is a free service that we run in order to prolong the life of our products as we whole heartedly believe in the culture of make do and mend.

How to order:
To place an order, or just to ask some questions, please drop us a message using the Contact Form.